Garden Charity UK Report / Garden Charity UK 活動報告

We have succeeded in raising funds as a result of the charity activities in Japan and England. It has already been passed on to 'Kibouno hana Iwate' in Japan. We are also working on seeds contribution by Great Dixter to some areas in Tohoku.... It will be updated in Facebook and Website soon.  

(New website for Garden Charity UK will be also coming soon.)

We deeply appreciate for all of your warm-hearted support.
2013年、イギリス、日本で行いましたチャリティ活動を通して募った募金は、希望の花 いわてへお届けする事が出来ました。


Garden Charity UKの新しいウエブサイトも近日中に立ち上げ予定です!)





Kibouno Hana Iwate Blog;
希望の花 いわて ブログ;

Seeds from Great Dixter
Seeds from Great Dixter

We received plenty flower seeds from Great Dixter, a head gardener Fergus Garrett. Words can't describe how thankful I am.


イギリス南東部にある、グレートディクスターのヘッドガーデナー ファーガス ガレットより、是非使って欲しいと、お庭の種をたくさん頂きました。本当にたくさん・・・


Flower Meadows in Rikuzentakata

Can I tell you what took me to the way of Tsunami Relief activity...


I was struggling with finding my way to go. It was one of my turning points in my life. Then, that Tohoku great earthquake disaster happened in Japan at such a time.

I was in Chiba where is near by Tokyo, but I felt something really huge fear which I had never felt before. I couldn't sleep at all the night on that day.
Meantime, lots of emails reached me asking safety for my family, friends and myself. I know there is a distance between but It seems to be we are together. I was so touched their warm hearts.

I flied to UK for the work at Chelsea Flower Show 2011 afterwards. It was bit weird, what made me relieved when I had steps on UK land was ' It doesn't move'


I spent such a tough time, but I had overcome something within me through I met a family of my treasure. Then I could move forward. I just thought that I want to be the one who can be there for someone.


I joined the Flower meadow project in Rikuzentakata where has been desolated since Tsunami. This flower meadow project was organized by '3, 11 Garden Charity', and Kohji Ninomiya (Japanese Garden designer) was a project manager last year. We have known each other quite long in work.


We went to Rikuzentakata with sleeping bags many times. I would tell how much I had pressure on my shoulders, Kohji was of course pressured for the outcome even he didn't show it us.
Do really bloom ...?


AND here it is!!!!
It bloomed beautifully. Really beautifully.
As I have said that, I wasn't able to be there. So this pic is not good enough to show you how it was beautiful. I will definitely up some pics if I get.( I am asking to get it.) Anyway, I am so happy to share this one with you now.
Yes, we are planning to make flower meadows in Rikuzentakata this year again.










そして、たくさんの方から頂いた‘勇気’ 本当に力になりました。感謝に尽きません。












手元にある写真はこれ一枚。今、関係者の方にお願いしているので、入手次第にアップしますね!まずは第一弾として・・・皆さんとシャア B:)




'Tsunami Relief with Gardeners 2012' / 'ガーデナーの復興支援2012'

'Tsunami Relief with Gardeners 2012' was held at Tokyo on 18th Oct.
I was considering about what is a next activity with ‘Garden Charity UK' in 2013. So it was really good symposium and it was worth attending.
Each lecturer has been visiting and supporting to the area where damaged by Tsunami badly. And they have been made such a huge effort with the people in the area for the Reconstruction.

Lecturers were as below

Mr Hideo Kamata
Mr Haruo Kosugi
Mr Yoshimutsu  Sakurano
Ms Kyoko Segami
Ma Nanako Yagi
Ms Mieko Yoshikawa


It was mainly the report from the their activities and need. And also future plans for next.


Through their talks, I just thought ‘Rome was not built in a day’
It is just 24hours in a day, and 365days in a year. So how I can use it is meaningful isn’t it. That’s what I was thinking of on the way back….


I sometimes feel that ‘I am powerless’. But that’s fine. I just walk on little by little and bit by bit.
I also once again thank you both very much for, Ms Nanako Yagi, a Chief editor for BISES, also a founder of ‘3.11 Garden Charity’ and Ms Mieko Yoshikawa, a Director of Kibou no Hana Iwate, I was given such a huge support by them over the period of RHS Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 2012.  Ms Mieko Yoshikawa even came over for supporting me at Hampton Court Flower Show for delivering leaflets with their report from Iwate, and then we worked together on the site. I deeply appreciate.



去る10月18日、東京、日比谷公園内に於いて、NPO法人Green Works による‘ガーデナーの復興支援2012’というシンポジウムに参加して参りました。
2013年の‘Garden Charity UK’の活動展開を模索しているなか、このシンポジウムの後援内容には大変興味深いものがありました。


小杉波留夫氏「 日本家庭園芸協会としての支援」、


‘ 継続力 ’   です。









講演者の八木波奈子編集長、‘希望の花いわて’の 代表 吉川三枝子さんには、今年の夏のハンプトンコートフラワーショーでは大変大変お世話になりました!たくさんのお力添えを頂き、皆様にご協力頂きました’Garden Charity UK’ での‘被災地への募金支援も確実に‘3.11ガーデンチャリティ’を通して、被災地で使って頂きます。吉川さんにおいては遠く岩手よりハンプトンコートまで来て下さり、ショー期間中、私の想いのたくさん詰まった‘日本の復興’と題したお庭で、一緒にリーフレットの配布もして下さいました。


A big thank you for all of you

at Bises / ビズにて
at Bises / ビズにて

Thank you so much for supporting our ‘Garden Charity UK’ initiative.

We are most delighted to announce that we raised £600 through ‘ Japanese Reconstruction: the Garden of Hope’ at Hampton Court Palace Flower Show 2012. The funds have already been passed on to ‘3.11 Garden Charity’ in Japan. They will be used for the next project organised by ‘3.11 Garden Charity’ to grow some woodlands in North East of Japan.

We are now starting to plan our next project for Tsunami Relief in UK. We hope to be able to share it with you all soon.
With very best wishes,
If you would like to help with a financial donation to Garden Charity UK, the bank details are;
Sort code: 20-96-89
Account Number: 73474194
Account Name: GardenCharityUK



この度は私ども’Garden Charity UK' の活動に、多大なるご理解ご協力を頂きまして、改めて心より感謝申し上げます。

RHS主催ハンプトンコートフラワーショー2012、‘日本の復興: 希望の庭’の出展に伴い活動してまいりましたGarden Charity UKでは、7月下旬までで、合計£600(JPN 67,020円 8月8日のレート)を募る事が出来ました。すでに3.11 Garden Charityへお届けしております。また、今後は3.11 Garden Charityとして、被災地での森林の復興を主な活動として行く予定となっております。

私達Garden Charity UKとしても、新たな次の活動に意欲的に取り組む所存でおります。一日も早い皆様へのご報告が出来ます様に、これからも一丸となって頑張って参ります。





Sort code: 20-96-89
Account Number: 73474194
Account Name: GardenCharityUK


                                                                        Garden Charity UK 
                                                                         Managing Director
                                                                        佐藤麻貴子 / Makiko Sato